SOCS Terms & Conditions of Business

3. SOCS Services Agreement

3.1 The SOCS Services Agreement is a standard agreement between your School and SSL, governing your use of SOCS.

3.2 The services provided by SSL are subject to the following terms of use:

  • 3.2.1 Service Level Agreement (SLA). During normal working hours in UK, 09:00 to 17:00, Monday to Friday, SSL will aim to respond to customer support requests within 12 hours. If a request is outside of normal working hours or marked "urgent", the support team's response will be aligned with the nature of the request. Our standard SLA for service provision is 99.9% availability.
  • 3.2.2 Annual Licenses. Schools using any of the main SOCS modules and the SOCS CMS, either collectively or individually (e.g. SOCS sport or SOCS co-curricular or SOCS calendar) or any additional module (such as Team Sheet Builder or Team Training Planner or Big Screen etc) do so under an annual license agreement, which renews automatically annually, unless cancelled (see cancellations below). Organizations using Competition Microsites or SOCS sport hub websites, which consolidate and rely on the data from clusters of schools (e.g. all schools in a County) where several or all schools in a cluster use SOCS sport, or for a website catering for a single sport (NGB or sports club), or a Competition Microsite, do so under annual license that renews automatically annually unless cancelled (see cancellations below).
  • 3.2.3 Pricing. To assist budgetary planning, SOCS main account holders can be confident that prices will remain static for an entire calendar year (1 January to 31 December). Prices are reviewed in December annually and change on 1st January in line with current market trends, inflation and RPI. Our latest pricing can be sent on request by emailing
  • 3.2.4 Sport and Calendar Website Customization. Schools using SSL's sport and calendar website customization service give SSL express permission to fully utilize the School's crest, brand, image and overall design layout of the School's existing website. During sports website customization the following elements cannot be removed: 1. The footer, specifically "SOCS sport website". 2. Links to our sport portals. 3. All of the main components displayed on the home page of the sport website. 4. The gold whistle, which links to During calendar website customization the following element cannot be removed: 1. The footer, specifically "School Calendar powered by SOCS".
  • 3.2.5 Use of SSL's Logos. All sport and calendar websites during initial setup, or pending the configuration of a sports website domain name, display the SOCS logo with a link to the home page of These images and links are integral to SSL's system and cannot be removed.
  • 3.2.6 Footer Text and Links. The following text appears in the footer of sport and calendar websites, whether it has been customized or not. The footer text reads: "SOCS sport website" or "SOCS calendar website". This text and links are integral to SSL's system and cannot be removed. Footer text will be styled appropriately for schools using SSL's sport and calendar website customization service.
  • 3.2.7 SOCS sport. SSL undertakes to publish on the Internet, via its websites and content management systems, a school’s complete sports fixtures and results listings. Schools using SOCS sport, in planning their fixtures, and providing SSL with any related and additional information such as match dates, kick off times, venues, draws, results, (including any fixture or draw that is part of a competition organised by third parties or National Governing Bodies), give SSL their consent to include such information on any of SSL’s websites that appear on the Internet and as early as possible prior to a fixture being played. If consent is needed it is the responsibility of the school or sports club to seek consent from competition organisers or third parties to reproduce or publish on the Internet fixture lists and competition draws. SSL undertakes not to delete any valid fixture that is to be played, or has been played, from a schools fixture listing (exception is a duplicated fixture – duplications can occasionally occur in error and will normally be removed by admin). SSL also reserves the right to consolidate and group fixtures and results to provide combined views using it’s own proprietary format, for the purposes of providing team leagues, competition groupings and knock out stage/round results. This format will not necessarily replicate the format used by competition organisers.
  • 3.2.8 Incorrect Results. SSL does not arbitrate on incorrect entry of any data such as fixtures & results or other events. The onus is on the integrity of the user community to ensure the accuracy of all data uploaded via SOCS. For example, in the event that a result is incorrect then the person spotting the error should, in the first instance, contact the school or competition organizer responsible for recording the incorrect result and request the change. The telephone and email address details of schools can be found via "Find Your School". The name of Competition Organizers can be found on the respective Competition Microsites. In the case of other websites provided by SSL, there will generally be the usual Contact Us link in the main menu or footer.
  • 3.2.9 Misrepresentation. Recording losses as wins, deleting fixtures that are losses, organizing competition fixtures at the last minute and any other attempt to climb the Merit and League tables on the respective sport portals, or misrepresenting the facts, may result in the cancellation of the offending school’s SOCS license and removal from any competitions organized by Schools’ Sports Ltd. SSL will terminate a User's access to its services if, under appropriate circumstances, they are determined to be a repeat infringer.
  • 3.2.10 Competitions. Schools using SOCS and taking part in competitions covered by SSL should note that competition fixtures and results might be validated by the organisers and cannot be deleted from fixture lists. However, it is possible for schools using SOCS sport to edit their own competition fixtures and results, in order to add points scorers and match reports etc. Schools using SOCS sport should not, however, adjust the match type, alter the scores or attempt to record a loss as a win or reset a recorded result to 'tbc', as this will alter the overall tournament or competition group and any knockout or league table. Schools responsible for arranging competition fixtures should always check with the competition organiser to ensure accuracy and timeliness.
  • 3.2.11 Domain Name and Subdomain Registration. SSL registers domain names on behalf of schools. If a school wants to use a subdomain from an existing domain, SSL will provide the necessary instructions.
  • 3.2.12 Payment for Website Design, Build and Setup Work. Invoices are normally sent on receipt of the order with payment terms set to "On Receipt". Once an order has been processed the School or individual requesting the work agrees to pay SSL for any work undertaken. This applies to any work carried out to design and build a school website, customize a sports website, setup a big screen module or any other similar undertaking. If SSL has already carried out such work and the School or individual requesting the work decides not to proceed, then payment for the work and time expended by SSL is required in full. If no work has been carried out and the School or individual requesting the work decides not to proceed, then SSL will not pursue payment.
  • 3.2.13 Invoicing and Payment Terms. Invoices for our services will normally be sent to a school's finance department or to the individual requesting the work, unless we are notified otherwise. In most cases our payment terms for new orders are set to "On Receipt" of our invoice. Payment terms for other website design services will be agreed on a case-by-case basis.
  • 3.2.14 Invoicing and Annual Renewals. SOCS licenses (e.g. SOCS sport site license or School Website license) renew automatically every twelve months unless SSL receives written notification of cancellation. (See cancellations below). The minimum term of all licenses is 12 months. In the first year payment is due in full within the first 30 days of use and then during the stipulated Billing Month (see below) in subsequent years. An invoice for the annual license fee, including any modular add-ons, such as Team Sheet Builder, will be sent to the School's finance department annually several weeks prior to the School's Billing Month, with payment terms set to, for instance, "1 September" or "1 October" etc.
  • 3.2.15 Billing Month. The Billing Month is the month during which the license commenced and the month when annual renewals are due. The Billing Month can be provided on request and is generally the month in which the first invoice was sent unless alternative arrangements have been agreed. If you need to change your Billing Month please contact us.
  • 3.2.16 Invoicing for Training. Invoices for training are forwarded to schools, or to individuals attending training, with payment terms set to 'On Receipt'. Unless agreed otherwise payment must be made before the training date. For later bookings (made within 14 days of the training date) payment is required at least within 7 days following the date of the training. If payment has been received a full refund will be made if the training does not go ahead and is cancelled by SSL.
  • 3.2.17 Non-Payment Procedure. Regular demands for payment will be made if an initial or renewal invoice remains unpaid. If the license has not been cancelled in writing (see cancellations below) and after a reasonable period of attempted recovery has lapsed, a FINAL DEMAND will be issued and sent to the school or individual requesting payment within 28 days and the CMS and all user accounts will be frozen at this time. In the case of schools the FINAL DEMAND will be sent to the Principal or the Director of Finance. If we do not have a response within the 28 day period from the date of issue of the FINAL DEMAND then the following can be expected:
    • The license will be suspended.
    • The CMS and all user accounts will be disabled.
    • The school website, sports website, all content and data will be frozen and made inaccessible except via the SSL sport portals.
    • Payment of the original invoice sent will be due in full if the license is in the first 12 months.
    • If the license is in the 2nd or subsequent years then the original invoice will be voided and a "cancellation invoice" will be sent to the school for the period of service utilised. This will be calculated based on the period from the 1st day of the Billing Month to the date of issue of the FINAL DEMAND plus 28 days.
    • If, after a further period of 28 days, either invoice (at 4 or 5) remains unpaid we will take legal representation to recover all costs.
  • 3.2.18 Domain Name Cancellation. Notification of cancellation is required in writing from a SOCS main account holder, or from the individual requesting the domain name, and should be sent by email to Cancellation by telephone or from other sources, such as personnel in Accounts Departments or other third parties, who might not be fully aware of the SOCS service provision, will not be accepted.
  • 3.2.19 SOCS Module Cancellation. Notification of cancellation is required in writing from a SOCS main account holder, or from the individual requesting the original work and should be sent by email to Cancellation by telephone or from other sources, such as personnel in Accounts Departments or other third parties, who might not be fully aware of the SOCS service provision, will not be accepted.
  • 3.2.20 Refunds. No refunds will be made for cancellations.
  • 3.2.21 Discontinuation. SSL reserves the right to discontinue any element of SOCS (either a module, part of a module or an individual feature) for any reason, without limitation. SSL will provide a notice period of at least 6 months unless prevented from doing so for legal or other reasons outside of SSL's control.
  • 3.2.22 Third Party Copyright Protection. Schools must not submit to SSL, either via the SOCS content management system (CMS) or as part of SSL's school website design or sports website customization service, any material, such as designs, artwork, video, photographs or other media that is copyrighted, protected by trade secret or otherwise subject to third party proprietary rights, including privacy and publicity rights, unless the school is the owner of such rights or has acquired the permission from their rightful owner.
  • 3.2.23 Inappropriate Content. SSL reserves the right to decide whether a photograph or video is appropriate and complies with these Terms and Conditions for violations other than copyright infringement, such as, but not limited to, pornography, obscene or defamatory material, or excessive length. SSL may remove such Videos and/or terminate a User's access for uploading such material in violation of these Terms of Service at any time, without prior notice.
  • 3.2.24 Personal Data Processing Agreement
    • For all Personal Data used within your SOCS control panel, your school is the data controller and SSL is the data processor.
    • You will ensure that you have all necessary appropriate consents and notices in place to enable lawful transfer of the Personal Data to SSL as a data processor while your school uses SOCS.
    • This agreement constitutes your written instructions to process the Personal Data transferred by you to SSL.  
    • SSL will only process that Personal Data in accordance with this agreement.
    • Both parties will be responsible for secure processing. In addition all appropriate technical and organisational security measures will be exercised by both parties against:
      • Unauthorised or unlawful processing, use, access to or theft of personal data.
      • Loss or destruction of or damage to personal data.
    • SSL will ensure that all SSL staff who have access to and/or process Personal Data are obliged to keep the Personal Data confidential, not transfer any Personal Data to any thrid parties or outside of the European Economic Area.
    • All SSL staff members have appropriate GDPR training. All staff members with responsibility for handling personal data are expected to complete the IT Governance GDPR Foundation course and are required to pass the exam.
    • SSL will notify you immediately if we receive:
      • a request form a Data Subject to have access to their Personal Data;
      • a request to edit or erase any Personal Data;
      • any other communication relating to Personal Data.
    • SSL will assist you (at your cost if applicable) to respond to any Data Subject Access Request.
    • SSL will notify you within 24 hours of us becoming aware of a Personal Data Breach.
    • SSL will delete Personal Data on receipt of your written instructions.
  • 3.2.25 Personal Data.  The following section describes the processing of personal data. This should be read together with the Privacy Policy and Data Security Policy:
    • Processing
      • ScopeThe scope covers pupil, parent, staff and any data inputted into SOCS by your School to manage and communicate events including participation and attendance.
      • Nature. Processing is provided via a secure online portal.
      • Purpose. The purpose of processing Personal Data is to provide the school with a method of managing and reporting on events and participation.
      • Duration. Processing will occur only while the school uses SOCS.
      • Retention. Personal data will be deleted on termination of this agreement, or on written request from you. See our Privacy Policy for more information.
    • Categories and Types of Personal Data
      • StaffDepending on the modules used by SOCS, including any custom data added to SOCS by the School, SSL processes personal data of staff at your School as shown below:  SSL will also process login information for any staff with a SOCS user account:
        • Title/Salutation
        • First Name
        • Surname
        • Gender
        • Email address
      • Pupils. Depending on the modules used by SOCS, including any custom data added to SOCS by the School, SSL processes personal data of pupils at your School as shown below.  SSL will also process login information for pupils with a SOCS user account:
        • First Name
        • Known Name
        • Surname
        • Middle Name(s)
        • Gender
        • Year Group
        • House
        • Form
        • Email address
      • Parents. Depending on the modules used by SOCS, including any custom data added to SOCS by the School, SSL processes personal data of parents at your School as shown below.  Parents contact information may also be processed if required by the School. SSL will also process login information for parents with a SOCS user account:
        • Name
        • Email address
        • Contact phone number


For more information on privacy and data protection view the following sections:




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